North Konawe Community Welcomes Smelter Development

Illustration. ((CNNIndonesia/GettyImages)

SULTRAKINI.COM: Elements of the community welcomed the plan to build a smelter by PT Tiran Group in North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The presence of the smelter is considered to have a positive impact on the community.

“Regarding the construction of the smelter by PT Tiran, I think it will be a blessing for the people of Southeast Sulawesi. I am sure it will provide many benefits for the people of North Konawe and the people of Southeast Sulawesi,” said Chairman of the Southeast Sulawesi Youth and Student Empowerment Forum (FP3), Feri Indrawan, Wednesday (30/6/2021).

The series of smelter construction will be more positive if the permits are complete, starting from the approval of the location permit for the smelter construction and recommendations for the acceleration of investment activities, IPPKH, IUP, and other permits.

“Our obligation is actually to support and guard the good intentions of PT Tiran Group in its commitment to build a smelter in North Konawe,” added Feri.

This UHO Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering Department student also appreciated the concrete steps taken by the Tiran Group through the PR of PT Tiran Group, La Pili in establishing communication with all parties regarding the smooth implementation of the smelter construction.

“Hopefully the presence of Tiran Group in building a smelter will be a blessing for Southeast Sulawesi,” said Feri.

Support for the smelter development plan was also conveyed by the Wanggudu Pesisir Youth Institute (PWP).

The head of PWP, Irpan said that his party agreed with the plan to build a smelter in Waturambaha Village, Lasolo Islands District, Konut Regency.

“As a youth group, the presence of a smelter in North Konawe can open up new job opportunities so that it will provide benefits and be felt by the people of Konut. The local government really oversees the construction of this smelter,” said Irpan.

A youth leader from Landawe Sub-district, Mursalim, said that the entry of PT Tiran in North Konawe Regency to build a smelter is good news for the community, especially in the community’s economic sector.

“We hope that this plan will be realized soon. We are ready to be at the forefront for the establishment of a smelter in North Konawe. But we will also continue to guard this commitment so that it is not just a promise,” said Mursalim.

Public Relations of PT Tiran Group, La Pili admitted that the plan to build a smelter in Konut Regency is entering the stage of land preparation, structuring port locations, and opening road infrastructure.

“God willing, we are optimistic, no later than the beginning of 2022 the smelter piles will be erected. Please pray so that all of our hopes can be realized according to the plan,” said La Pili.

Report: Hasrul Tamrin
Editor: Sarini Ido